Everything you need to know about fingernails, toe nails, nail fungus and other nail problems (dry, cracking, brittle nails). It will take some time to get all the information here - but PLEASE leave comments or questions and help me make this the best one-stop resource for the millions that suffer from nail problems.

02 July 2010

Can I use FlexiNail with Nail Polish?

Hi Edith,
Couple things with nail polish as you probably know. The polish often contains ingredients that evaporate or "dry" leaving the color on your nail. The polish also covers your nail. When you take off polish you probably use a very harsh acetone type product. All of these things work to dry out your nail. Add this to daily exposure to the sun or cold or water and its tough on nails.

When you use a polish, FlexiNail can't penetrate through the dried on polish. It can however, get into the nail matrix (the part under your cuticle) and up the sides of your nails under the skin where there is no polish.

What many of our customers do is get their nails back to where they want them. They then apply nail polish, but cut down on the amount of times they change colors. When the color does come off, they take a "break" from polish for a few days and apply a thin coat of FlexiNail two or three times a day on these "breaks". If your nails stay strong - then polish and the number of changes can increase. If the nail is "drying" out again - then increase the time without polish and use FlexiNail on those days.

Hope this information helps. Derek